Inside Rumon Oakley
About Rumon Oakley

Our Vision

To be recognised as ‘the’ business solutions provider, setting undeniable service delivery standard in Nigeria, Africa and the world.

Our Mission

To create a niche by understanding and satisfying the consulting needs of our clients 10 times better than any solutions provider by being innovative, customised and affordable in a way that would bring benefits to all our stakeholders.

Our Justification

As a firm wanting to leave an impact in the history of individuals, organisations, Nigeria and the rest of the world, we have identified SMEs as one of the focal point for poverty eradication. The pivotal role of SMEs in developed economies has impacted enormously to the employment levels and GDP of those countries, hence, our attention to the individual and SMEs. However, individuals and SMEs are faced with a plethora of challenges in terms of capacity and infrastructural development, coupled with neglect in the area of personalised consultancy services due to their financial status. Over the years, various business initiatives have made laudable incursions into the economy but due to the absence of readily available consultancy services have gone under, sunk by the pressures of the global economy.

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